Utility Switch Deck

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  • Rs. 85.00
  • Regular price Rs. 95.00
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As the name suggests this is a deck of cards with versatile applications in close-up magic.
To all appearances it is an ordinary deck of cards, which can be fanned and displayed, and shuffled.  However, a small block of cards has been very cleverly gimmick-ed to make possible some

excellent productions, vanishes, or exchanges of Coins, small Keys or other similar objects.
The original deck was designed for a simple coin effect by Magician G. Srinivas of Kakinada.  Realizing the potential of the basic idea, we are putting our think tank to work on this, and  made some modifications which enabled several routines to be performed with this.
All these routines are illustrated and outlined in a 12 page booklet, to enable you to get the best from this prop.  This details items like Passe Passe Coins, Flying Coins, Four Coin Assembly, Coin Creation, Matrix, and several others, all possible with this special deck without sleights or elaborate moves.

In keeping with our policy of outstanding magic at a most affordable price, the Utility Switch Deck comes to you complete and ready to use with a 12 page illustrated instruction booklet at a very reasonable price.