Gag Bag - Improved

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  • Rs. 220.00
  • Regular price Rs. 249.00
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You show a black bag with a zipper. You pull out some props from the bag and continue to use it in your show. But something is missing and the magic just doesn't want to work. Well, you got it! You need a Red bag for it to work. You turn the bag inside out and the bag turns into a Red bag. The magic continues for a while and now you need a Yellow bag, so your turn the bag inside out and the bag now turns to a Yellow bag. Each time you turn the bag inside out it changes colors but you never get the black color you started with, this is truly magical. Each time you turn the bag inside out it turns from a Black bag to a Red bag, to a Yellow bag to a Blue bag and finally to a Green bag, but never back to the black color you started with.

Comes with printed instructions

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Steve Heifner
Gag Bag

I was very please with your Gag Bag. I bought three more for my friends.