Disposable Deck 2.0 (red) by David Regal

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  • Rs. 2,899.00
  • Regular price Rs. 2,909.00
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"While there are lots of ways to vanish a deck, David Regal’s “Disposable Deck 2” offers the most versatile and useful system that I’ve seen that can be performed under the widest range of conditions. If you need to vanish a deck, this is probably the way to go." -Wayne Kawamoto, Magic.About.com


Full ReviewDo a trick. Crush your deck. Throw it away. Disposable Deck!


A versatile utility gimmick, DISPOSABLE DECK is used by magicians around the world. Now in packs of 200! Also, for the first time, with DVD instructions including a full performance and explanation for the amazing audience participation effect "Hotel 52".

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